RepNISH+CAPITOL HILL:special mac files for windows:
Macromedia Director
Script Channel Commands
go "PDA"if the timer<180 then go the framepuppetsound "REP5b"cursor 4if the movietime of sprite 20<the duration of cast(the castnum of sprite 20) then go the framecursor -1set the volume of sprite 20=128go movie "Capitol Hill:support:pda"puppetsound "REP9"go to movie "Capitol Hill:support:orient" puppetsound "REP1"if soundbusy(1) then go the framepuppetsound "REP2"starttimerpuppetsound "REP3"puppetsound "REP5"puppetsound "REP4"puppetsound "REP6"puppetsound "REP7"puppetsound "REP8"puppetsound "REP10"